Wednesday 29 June 2016

Follow my journey...

I've committed to going plastic free for the month of July... signed up to this, and you can too:

Here I'll post information about specific challenges I face over the course of the month and solutions, as I find them. If you have any comments or tips, please share them with me.

I have already reduced much of the plastic that I used to consume regularly, so the new challenge for me is to take it to the next level... Go beyond banishing the four most common unnecessary plastics: bags, bottles, cups and straws. I'll add to this, plastic cutlery, takeaway containers and supermarket packaging, in fact I'm going to try to avoid as much as I can. At the end of the month, I'll post a picture of every bit of plastic I consume.

This is an experiment for me to see how much change I can make in my own life, prove a little point to myself an perhaps inspire someone else along the way. Hopefully some of these changes will continue for me well past July.

Remember, plastic is built to last forever (800-1000 years!) to use it just once is well... silly.

I want to live in a more sustainable way, to show that can live well, enjoy the riches of modernity and do it all in a low-impact way.

Wish me luck!!

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